One Conversation at a time.

As a Life Gardener, Anna Beuselinck plants life seeds and provides moments of clarity to help individuals, and organizations strategically dream, develop, and decide on courses of action.  She has been a leadership thought partner with companies and individuals for almost three decades. She held senior positions inside corporations before starting her own consulting practice over 25 years ago. She is the mother of 2 daughters, and the co-steward of Campovida, Stock Farm, and Thatcher Hotel with her husband Gary.

Her background includes decades of leadership study in the fields of human resources, organizational development, executive coaching, culture transformation, and team facilitation. Her expertise has included large global brands such as NIKE, Gap Inc., Nestlé, Reebok, Genentech, Clif Bar, as well as start-ups in Technology and Life Sciences. She has consulted with a variety of industries including for profit, non-profits and volunteered her time in supporting local organizations. Learn more about her journey through her interviews with Career Moves, Aegist, and the love story of Campovida.

Conversation Possibilities:

Founder & Executive Coaching | Team Dynamics & Development | Culture & Organization Assessments

Engaged Team Leadership | Courageous Conversations | Vision Board | Enneagram & Mindfulness | Personal Retreats


Client Thoughts

Executive Coach

“In this currently chaotic world where very little is in our control, Anna provides a centered, supportive, and helpfully challenging approach to develop your best self in your role at work. Meeting with Anna is like sipping hot tea; it is a space for calm, reflection and keeping sight on what is in your control.”

CEO Heather Turner - Carmot

“I was introduced to Anna about 7 years ago when she facilitated a team offsite in which I was participating. An outcome of this offsite was focused on individual personal and professional development. As a result, Anna became my coach; the single best personal and professional development event of my life. Simply put, Anna has a gift; I was lucky enough to be the recipient. Her authenticity, depth of knowledge and genuine care and concern for people is what makes her so effective. She cultivates a balance between personal and professional, fosters an environment that enables you to view things in a new perspective, challenges without judgment, creates space for growth, and helps you gain insights that make you a better leader and person. She has accompanied me on my journey along the path to be the best version of myself. My work puts me in contact with many people whose job is to be an executive coach; for Anna this is a calling. While she is a professional coach, her contribution is far deeper and more profound than that. I am lucky to have her in my corner as a trusted advisor, and am grateful to now call her a dear friend. It also a bonus that she is the steward of one of my favorite wineries!”

Sylvette Sawyers, Head of Talent Management (Fortune 100 Companies)

“There is no better human to write a recommendation about. Anna is a thoughtful, passionate, deeply experienced coach and advocate for developing strength in your leadership or self-evolution. She has a large toolbox of options to customize to the individuals development, but her wisdom in utilizing the enneagram is far beyond any other. She helps you understand yourself first and how you relate to the world around you in order to help people manage conflict, receive and deliver feedback, manage difficult relationships, or develop strong teams. She is considerate and a powerful force of love in all she does.
She’s a coach, business woman, mother, a sister to all, and a culture guru who can help you navigate complex situations with kindness as the leading role of all. She is simply the best. Words I do not use lightly.”

Chris (tina) Demuth Chief People Officer, Miller Knoll

Cultural Anthropologist

“Anna played a key role in the cultural work that we did at Clif Bar & Co that had a major positive impact on the future of the company and the culture. Working alongside our HR department, she facilitated a group of team members to identify and define the key behaviors that were critical to our culture. From there, she worked to develop a plan to integrate these behaviors into the key activities of the company, including objective setting, reviews and training. Further, she worked on visual cues across the company to both introduce and reinforce the behaviors. The work was groundbreaking and was key to making Clif Bar a great place to work.
Anna brings a great energy to the workplace that brings the best out of people. She's smart, strategic and practical. She has a passion for execution and ensuring that the work gets integrated into the fabric of the company, ensuring long-term success.
I'm a big fan of her work and highly recommend her.”

Kevin Cleary, Former CEO of Clif Bar - Investor and Advisor

“Anna functions seamlessly as a trusted part of our team while at the same time bringing an incredibly valuable outside perspective. I appreciate her approach which is always insightful, direct and actionable. Having worked with Anna across many companies and projects with different goals, she has consistently been a partner who supports individuals and teams to function at their best.”

Ellen Rose, Chief of Staff

Leadership Development | Thought Partner

“As a 'Life Gardener' (truly the perfect title for her work) Anna focuses on supporting people and teams to find their unique strengths and opportunities, celebrate them and nurture them in a space in which every voice is heard and people learn the power of bringing their whole selves to work each day.”

Tanja Powers, VP of Ophthalmology, Genentech

“I have partnered with Anna for over a decade on everything from big culture initiatives to smaller learning programs. On all, her insights and contributions shaped and delivered important work. Anna has a keen ability to bring the big picture into focus while simultaneously offering guidance on the specific next step needed. She’s an amazing strategic partner and also doesn’t hesitate to roll-up her sleeves and do whatever needs to be done. She brings both creative new thinking and grounded approaches. And while partnering with her, you’re likely to receive some spot-on, just in-time coaching…and lots of laughs.”

Jennifer Freitas, Clif Bar

“Anna brings a blend of Head and Heart to every engagement. Her business experience mixed with her knowledge around human and organization development wrapped with a commitment to make a difference is a wicked strong combination. Plus she is pure joy to work with!”

Kelly Dozois, Founder of Ocean Beach Consulting

Board Member

“When we were looking to add someone with organizational development experience to our board, we were introduced to Anna.  She has been an invaluable addition to our company, and has helped to vastly improve the contribution our board makes to our company’s health.  Our culture and our brand are both extremely important to us, and she had been able to both challenge us and support our growth, while embracing who we are.” 

John Finger Founder, CEO, Hog Island Oysters


“As a partner in multiple businesses, Anna is a thoughtful Co-founder and leader for our teams. She watches and observes the most important aspects of running our companies, the culture, the team, the customers and our impact on the environment and community. She challenges me to be a better leader, while considering our legacy. She also provides free coaching, even when I am not asking!”

Gary Breen, Co-Steward/Founder of Campovida, Stock Farm Inn & Restaurant, Thatcher Hotel, Feliz Creek Cellars.